SNL Badging Information


Access to enter Kirtland Air Force Base will be required during this course.

For unescorted access to Kirtland Air Force Base, you must be registered with the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDs), a system used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to verify identity of individuals accessing military installations.

To expedite entrance into a military facility, your driver’s license information will also be collected to submit to KAFB for advance approval unless you have an active CAC card.


Only a State-issued driver’s license or ID cards from REAL ID non-compliant states will be accepted to obtain a badge for access to Sandia if accompanied by an alternate form of ID such as a Social Security Card or a Birth Certificate. A State-issued driver’s license or ID card that indicates it is not for Federal purposes will not be accepted to validate identity for access to Sandia if not accompanied by an alternate form of ID such as a Social Security Card or a Birth Certificate.


Those without a DOE-issued HSPD-12 badge will require a Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) temporary visitor badge for physical access to non-public areas on Sandia-controlled premises.

Those with a DOE-issued HSPD-12 badge will be registered into the SNL badging system as a colleague and you will still be required to visit the badge office to verify your physical access to non-public areas on Sandia-controlled premises.

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