Vulnerability to Intrusion System Analysis (VISA) v1.1

Provide participants with a working knowledge of how to use the VISA process to estimate the level of system effectiveness for a nuclear security system.

The VISA process is a scenario-based, vulnerability assessment tool to analyze the effectiveness of nuclear security systems to prevent, detect, delay, and respond to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer, or other malicious acts involving radioactive and nuclear material and associated facilities. VISA uses a group of experts from different disciplines (e.g. physical protection, nuclear material accounting and control, response force) to logically develop and evaluate scenarios involving attacks by adversaries.

The objective of the course is to provide participants with a working knowledge of how to use the VISA process to estimate the level of system effectiveness for a nuclear security system. Through lectures and exercises, the course will focus on developing and analyzing scenarios to determine system effectiveness for a mock facility, and developing and analyzing the effectiveness of upgrades to address identified weaknesses.

  • Audience: Competent Authorities, licensees
    Days/Participants: 5/20
    Modality: Classroom instruction, small/large group exercises
  • Suggested Prerequisite(s): Introduction of Vulnerability Assessment Fundamentals of Physical Protection Systems
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